SmartSmilesm Dental Plans

Quality, affordable dental coverage for individuals and families

We are glad you are here.

Your SmartSmile Dental Plan gives you:

  • Quality Assured dentists you can trust.
  • Access to more than 300 dental procedures at low out of pocket costs when provided by your participating dentist.
  • No deductibles, no waiting periods, no maximums on services performed by your general dentist.
  • Access to orthodontic, denturist and implant savings.
  • Access to friendly, knowledgeable member service representatives.
  • Access to excellent oral health educational resources. 

StateSmartSmile Monthly Premium Super SmartSmile Monthly Premium

To see brochures, Copayment schedules, or enrollment forms for California, Oregon or Washington, click here


How does SmartSmileSM work?

SmartSmileSM dental plans deliver dental care through a network of privately owned, neighborhood dental offices. Select a conveniently located participating dentist who will assess your oral health and outline your treatment plan. You pay only your monthly premium, plus the copayment for each service rendered, as listed in your Schedule of Covered Services and Copayments.

What is the difference between SmartSmileSM and Super SmartSmileSM?

SmartSmileSM and Super SmartSmileSM plans both provide coverage for high quality care and significant savings on hundreds of the most common dental procedures.

SmartSmileSM, our most affordable plan, is the right plan for you if you prefer a lower monthly premium. While copayments for dental services and procedures are slightly higher compared to Super SmartSmileSM, SmartSmileSM provides savings of up to 90% compared to regular fees based on usual and customer fees. With a SmartSmileSM plan, you enjoy excellent coverage for over 450 procedures performed by your Quality Assured participating dentist. 

Super SmartSmileSM is an upgrade from our SmartSmileSM plan. If you prefer comprehensive coverage and lower copayments for preventive and basic procedures, such as cleanings and fillings, Super SmartSmileSM is the right plan for you.

No matter which SmartSmileSM plan you choose, you will enjoy clear, hassle-free benefits with no waiting periods, no deductibles, no maximums, no pre-existing condition exclusions, no subscriber age limits and no claim forms.

To determine which plan suits your needs – and budget - view the "How much do I save?" tab and compare your savings.

What is a copayment?

A copayment is the fee listed in your Schedule of Covered Services and Copayments that you pay directly to your participating dentist at the time of service. The copayment varies depending upon what procedure is performed. You can also view a full list of covered benefits and copayments for your state and specific individual plan.

How do I receive dental care?

Simply call your selected dental office and schedule an appointment that is at a convenient time for you. Tell the office you are a Dental Health Services member. Your dental office receives a membership eligibility list each month, so it isn't necessary to have your membership card to make an appointment or receive care.

When does my coverage become effective?

Your coverage will be effective on the 1st of the next month when you submit your enrollment by the 20th of the month. If you submit your enrollment after the 20th of the current month, your effective date will be the 1st of the second month after the current month. Example, if you submit on January 24th, your effective date will be March 1.

How much does it cost?

California  |  Oregon  |  Washington

California SmartSmileSM Super SmartSmileSM
Subscriber + 1 dependent$12.95$139.00$26.45$317.40
Subscriber + 2 or more$16.95$179.00$37.90$454.80

OregonSmartSmileSMSuper SmartSmileSMSmartSmileSM Plus
Pediatric Child (18 years old & under)$23.40$280.80$23.40$280.80$29.65$355.80
Young Adult (19-25 years old)$18.55$222.60$22.65$271.80$22.65$271.80
Adult $19.30$231.60$23.90$286.80$23.90$286.80

Washington SmartSmileSM
Super SmartSmileSM
Super SmartSmileSM
Subscriber + 1
Subscriber + 2
Subscriber + 3
Or More Dependents

How do I pay?

Annual members can pay by credit card, check, or a money order. Monthly members can choose to pay by automatic withdrawal either from credit card, check, or bank account.


How much do I save?

Look at the following examples to see your savings with a SmartSmilesm dental plan!

California  |  Oregon  |  Washington

California SmartSmileSMSuper SmartSmileSM
ADA CodeProcedureRegular Fee*Your CopaymentYour SavingsYour CopaymentYour Savings
D1351Sealant - per tooth$95$1089%$595%
D4341Periodontal scaling and root planing$328$6082%$4588%
D0210Full mouth x-rays - including bitewings$200$0100%$0100%
D0150Comprehensive oral examination$150$0100%$0100%
D2331Anterior composite restoration - two surfaces$280$6079%$3388%
D2150Amalgam restoration - two surfaces$232$4282%$0100%
D7210Surgical removal of an erupted tooth$400$7083%$3093%

Oregon - Adult SmartSmileSMSuper SmartSmileSM
ADA CodeProcedureRegular Fee*Your CopaymentYour SavingsYour CopaymentYour Savings
D1351Sealant - per tooth$68$593%$593%
D4341Periodontal scaling and root planing$350$8576%$6581%
D0210Full mouth x-rays - including bitewings$156$2584%$0100%
D0150Comprehensive oral examination
D2331Anterior composite restoration - two surfaces$233$6074%$4581%
D2150Amalgam restoration - two surfaces$215$4579%$3584%
D7210Surgical removal of an erupted tooth$332$13559%$13559%

Washington SmartSmile Super SmartSmile
Code Description Copayment Ususal Customary % Savings Copayment Ususal Customary % Savings
D1351sealant - per tooth$5$6893%$5$6893%
D4341periodontal scaling and root planing - four or more teeth per quadrant$85$29972%$70$29977%
D0210intraoral - complete series of radiographic images$25$17786%$0$177100%
D0150comprehensive oral evaluation - new or established patient$7$12094%$5$12096%
D2331resin-based composite - two surfaces, anterior$75$26872%$57$26879%
D2150amalgam - two surfaces, primary or permanent$52$27281%$35$27287%
D7210extraction, erupted tooth requiring removal of bone and/orsectioning of tooth, and including elevation of mucoperiosteal flap ifindicated$135$37864%$135$37864%

*Based on comparison to the 80th percentile of the usual and customary fees for each service, per the January 2020 FAIR Health Data for the 90002 zip code.

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From their own mouth.

"I have always had positive results and attitudes from everyone. Thank you! My dentist is the best!"
- May Goninan - Member

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